Serving up second chances.


EDWINS Leadership & Restaurant Institute, a fine French eatery in Cleveland, Ohio, offers
formerly incarcerated men and women hospitality and life skills training. Led by the vision of
Founder and CEO Brandon Chrostowski, this foundation equips individuals who are typically
faced with challenges to find work, housing and other support with a fair and equal
opportunity to survive in the real world. Falls & Co. was asked to help further its mission and
attract diners, donors and future students through media relations and visibility efforts.


• Identified local and national media placements, including broadcast segments, where
elements of the restaurant’s mission, training and restaurant cuisine would be highlighted
• Explored coverage opportunities for fundraising efforts and events
• Promoted the release and subsequent Oscar nomination of “Knife Skills,” a documentary
short based on the restaurant’s 2013 opening
• Provided ongoing social mission updates, news and insights to select media
• Previewed the 2019 EDWINS Butcher Shop launch