Raising the temperature on thermometers.

As technological advancements move at an unprecedented rate, one rebellious device has remained unchanged for years: the digital thermometer. And the company that chose to move this basic tool into the 21st century of smart technology is Blue Spark Technologies, which created TempTraq®, the only wearable, wireless thermometer in the form of a soft comfortable patch.
Although they had a new product in hand, Blue Spark was facing some pretty heavy odds. There were other similar products heading to market, TempTraq® was under FDA pre-market review, and they were an unknown brand. To make a media splash, Blue Spark Technologies enlisted the help of Falls & Co. to carry out a customized media relations plan.

• Develop an “own the show” media relations strategy with sneak peak previews to targeted media at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES)
• Showcase at CES Unveiled to place company spokespeople one-on-one with hundreds of top-tier media